Monday, 1 August 2011

Maths Revision

In this post we will look at 5 essential maths revision tips that are essential for success at GCSE level in Mathematics.

The first tip is preparation. Preparation for gcse maths is essential, be it past exam papers, revision classes, study groups or DVD based revision materials.

The second tip is to list your weaknesses and strengths. Now focus on your weaknesses not your strengths, as this will be wasting time. Go through each weakness and keep practising until you start to improve. If you have any problems overcoming your weaknesses then speak to your teacher, attend study groups or seek out help and advice off the internet.

The third tip is positive mental attitude. Positive thoughts and faith in yourself will help you to stay focused with your maths revision

The fourth tip is not to 'over do' it. Doing too much studying can be counter productive. You will end up feeling tired and will be unable to function, possibly becoming ill. Remember to keep a healthy 'work study balance'

Finally the fifth tip for effective maths revision is to plan your time effectively. Do a study plan or study time table, make sure you don't leave your maths revision to the last minute, as you will be anxious and this may hinder your performance for the exam.